Sound Board

While agents are deployed, these quick codes can be used to quickly relay important information through the network - this soundboard directly plugs into the livestream at

  1. And his name is John Cena
  2. Fake Grenade ping
  3. Great Success
  4. No No Nononono (Mike Stoklasa)
  5. Like & Subscribe (OneyPlays)
  6. Outto (Wednesday Downtown)
  7. Slow Clap
  8. Hey, Its me! Goku!
  9. Defeating a sandwich, Only makes it tastier
  10. Lets See Him Fight All of us
  11. Tighter than a frogs butt
  12. I vote we frag this commander
  13. Base is under attack
  14. Dispense some indescriminate justice
  15. Here comes the sun(Red Alert 1)
  16. check out the view
  17. ataaaaack!
  18. hold the line
  19. check your ammo
  20. Oh my god hes whacked
  21. Die scum
  22. squad moralerestored
  23. For the emperor!
  24. Reporting for duty sir
  25. lets see them fight all of us
  26. +1000 Social Credit Score
  27. +9000 Social Credit Score
  28. JonTron - WHAT
  29. The Sax from Careless Whisper
  30. Death Note - Light Thinking (Sound)
  31. Death Note - L Thinking (Song)
  32. Knuckles - Oh No
  33. Studio Cheering
  34. A Message From the Government of Canada
  35. It was all a dream
  36. Tokyo Drift Theme (Song)
  37. Ultra Instinct
  38. Undertaker Bell
  39. Wide Putin Bass Boosted